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Plant Growth Promoter - Sagarika Liquid
Plant Growth Promoter - Sagarika Liquid

Plant Growth Promoter - Sagarika Liquid

Sagarika - Seaweed Extract Concentrate (28% w/w) is an organic bio-stimulant manufactured through globally patented process technology from red & brown marine algae. The product has naturally occurring plant growth regulators such as Auxins, Cytokinins and Gibberellins, essential amino acids, macro & micronutrients. Also contains bio-potash (8-10%) along with quaternary ammonium compounds (QAC) like glycine betaine, choline etc.

Sagarika when applied as foliar spray or the Rhizosphere, stimulates the metabolic function of the plant to enhance nutrient uptake and nutrient use efficiency leading to increase in crop yield and crop quality

Sagarika is manufactured through a globally patented technology licensed from Central Salt and Marine Chemical Research Institute (CSMCRI), a constituent laboratory of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Government of India.

To know more about IFFCO Sagrika Liquid please visit the product website.

Technical Specifications

Specification of IFFCO Sagarika Granulated (Liquid Seaweed Extract).

- Concentrated Liquid Seaweed Extract (28% w/w)

Salient Features

  • Concentrated seaweed liquid extract
  • Eco-friendly
  • Contains Protein, Carbohydrate along with other micronutrients
  • Useful for all crops and all soils
  • Contains Auxin, Cytokinins, and Gibberellin, Betaines, Mannitol, etc.

Phosphate Solubalizing Bacteria
Phosphate Solubalizing Bacteria

Phosphorous Solution Bio Fertiliser contains bacteria that are capable of solubilizing inorganic Phosphorous from insoluble compounds and providing it for plant uptake. These microorganisms are commonly known as Phosphorous solubilizing bacteria or Phosphorous dissolving bacteria. Phosphorous Solution Bio Fertiliser reduces the need for synthetic phosphate fertilizers.

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It is a biofertilizer that contains non-symbiotic Azotobacter bacteria which has the ability to fix atmospheric Nitrogen. It is recommended for non-leguminous crops like Paddy, Wheat, Millets, Cotton, Tomato, Cabbage, Mustard, Safflower, Sunflower, etc.. The Azotobacter performs well if the soil organic matter content is high

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It is a biofertilizer that contains Azospirillum bacteria which has the ability to colonize the plant roots and fixing atmospheric Nitrogen. It synthesizes phytohormones, in particular, indole-3-acetic acid, and is supposed to increase abiotic and biotic stress tolerance capacity thereby assisting in plant growth.

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Zinc Solubalizing Bacteria
Zinc Solubalizing Bacteria

Zinc is one of the micronutrients essential for several plant development processes, including growth hormone production and internode elongation. Zinc Solution Bio Fertilisers (Z.S.B.) contains bacteria that are capable of solubilizing inorganic zinc and make it bioavailable for plant consumption. It also reduces the need for excessive synthetic zinc fertilizers in the soil.

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It is a biofertilizer that contains symbiotic Rhizobium bacteria which is the most important nitrogen-fixing organism. These organisms have the ability to drive atmospheric Nitrogen and provide it to plants. It is recommended for crops such as Groundnut, Soybean, Red-gram, Green-gram, Black-gram, Lentil, Cowpea, Bengal-gram and Fodder legumes, etc.

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Liquid Consortia(N.P.K)
Liquid Consortia(N.P.K)

A biofertilizer that is a consortium of Rhizobium, Azotobacter and Acetobacter, Phospho Bacteria- Psuedomonus and Potassium Solution-Baciles bacteria which are atmospheric nitrogen and phosphorus fixing organisms. N.P.K. Consortia has higher efficiency in Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and potassium fixing and has the ability to drive atmospheric Nitrogen and provide it to plants.

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It is a biofertilizer that contains Acetobacter bacteria which has the ability to colonize the plant roots and fixing atmospheric Nitrogen. It is especially beneficial for sugarcane plantation as it activates the soil biologically and stimulates plant growth.

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Potassium Mobilizing BioFertiliser (KMB)
Potassium Mobilizing BioFertiliser (KMB)

Potassium Mobilizing Bio Fertilisers contain bacteria that are capable of solubilizing inorganic Potassium from insoluble compounds and providing it for plant uptake. These microorganisms are commonly known as potassium solubilizing bacteria or potassium dissolving bacteria.

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Plant Growth Promoter - Sagarika Granular
Plant Growth Promoter - Sagarika Granular

Sagarika Z++ is a red and brown marine algae fortified granule for application in agriculture. The marine algae is being cultivated and collected from the Indian coast and is a source of livelihood for fishermen families.
To know more about IFFCO Sagrika Granular please visit the product website

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